In season 5 episode 5, the murder of Ronald Luyster by Patricia Luyster and Clarissa Luyster by is shown. This happened in the state of Pennsylvania. The show is titled Rocking the Cradle and is described as: In Honesdale, Pa., a family copes with teen pregnancy, addiction and heartache, then someone from the past stirs the pot to bring about a murder.. Patricia Luyster plead guilty to conspiracy to commit murder. and sentenced to 15 to 34 years. You can write to Patricia Luyster* at: Smart Communications/PADOC Patricia Luyster OM8442 CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, FL 33733 * The state of Pennsylvania uses a service in Florida to screen their mail. You can alternately use Jpay to contact this person. Clarissa Luyster plead guilty and sentenced to 15 to 30 years. During sentencing she said, "I’m so sorry I’ve hurt so many people I loved, I know I made a huge mistake and wish I co...
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